
Primary LanguagePython



Create a separate env for running this project. activate the env in the terminal then run :pip install -r requirements.txt make sure you have setup for java and allure in your system.

Run test

run behave
This will run all the testcases we have in our features folder if you want to see the result with reports run this command.
behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o ./allure-results
After running that it will generate a new reports folder. run allure serve reports to see test reports

Set up docker

docker-compose up -d allure allure-ui Verify if Allure API is working. Go to -> http://localhost:5050/allure-docker-service/latest-report

Verify if Allure UI is working. Go to -> http://localhost:5252/allure-docker-service-ui/