Stop a download in the EVENT_LINK_CLICK event
Closed this issue · 2 comments
I have this code in a module which checks the totalDownloads and if it exceeds 5, to prevent the download, how do i stop the download from happening? i have tried returning null, false , i have also tried returning a 403 status code, they all still allow the download to happen.
function (LinkClickEvent $event) {
$user = Craft::$app->getUser()->getIdentity();
if ($user) {
$totalAllowedDownloads = 5;
$totalDownloads = \Masuga\LinkVault\LinkVault::getInstance()->general->totalDownloads(['userId' => $user->id]);
if ($totalDownloads >= $totalAllowedDownloads) {
// stop download here
When you say that you returned a 403 status code, are you doing it in the form of throwing an exception? I feel like that should be enough.
throw new \yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException("You reached the download limit.");
If that isn't enough, try overriding the Craft response, running sendAndClose()
on it, then running exit()
just to avoid any further manipulation of the response.
Thanks @benjaminkohl I managed to get it to work using that, i attempted the same using Craft::$app->getResponse()->setStatusCode(...); but your way worked.