
suggetion, Enabling Swift Cross-Platform Media Transfer.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

One of the key benefits our project provides, as expressed by me and my peers, is the swift cross-platform transfer of text and files between two personal devices. The essence of this usage lies in the concept that "I trust myself with my files, and I desire the fastest possible transfer".

Currently, beyond text, the transfer of any file type requires the "upload" and "download" process. Let's consider a scenario where one wishes to transfer a picture from one device to another and embed it in a "Word" document. The process includes uploading the picture via a dialog box, downloading it on the target device through another dialog, saving it in a temporary folder, and finally, going back to the Word document to "insert" the picture through yet another dialog box. This can be time-consuming.

My proposition is to streamline this process by incorporating a "paste" feature for media on the source device, allowing pre-copied media like photos to be quickly transferred. Coupled with the recently added "auto-accept" feature on the target device, it would expedite the process significantly.
Moreover, enabling a "copy" feature directly from the thumbnail would be useful as the full picture data is already available in the memory.

A suitable comparison would be the ease of copying and pasting within a dialogue on WhatsApp Web between two devices.

mat-sz commented

@internet-rimon You can actually use Ctrl+V anywhere on the page, if that's what you're asking for.

Hi again
Did not know about this option, amazing, thanks.
so "one side" is working well, the "send" one.
my question is if the "copy" button can be avalable for media (spesific for pictures) as it appears while sending text. like in the picture attached.

mat-sz commented

@internet-rimon Unfortunately, copying to clipboard is only available for image files (this is a limitation of the web clipboard APIs). I've enabled the copy to clipboard functionality for image files.