
SSI Provider Implementation for Keycloak to Login with a custom Credential

Primary LanguageJava

Keycloak SSI Provider

This is a Keycloak provider that allows you to use a W3C SDJWT Credential to authenticate users in Keycloak.

Build and run this repository (Recommended)

This is the recommended way to start using this repository, you can also configure it manually but in the future the manual configuration will be heavily edited

Build SSI Plugin

  1. clone this repository
  2. run 'mvn clean package' in the root directory
  3. copy the jar file from the target directory to the 'providers' directory in your Keycloak installation
  4. restart Keycloak

Launching supporting SSI IDP

This repository also contain a simple IDP provider implementation that uses EUDI verifier endpoints as a Credential Verifier. The wallet used for testing purposes is the EUDI Wallet The directory idp contains a docker-compose file that launches the IDP and the Keycloak server with the SSI Verifier provider installed.

  1. Go to the idp directory
  2. Run docker-compose up -d

Launching KeyCloak with provided realm

This repository also contain a preconfigured keycloak deployment. To run:

  1. Go to the docker directory
  2. Run docker-compose up -d

How to configure manually

The previous setup should already set everything you need. Follow this steps only to check that everything is correctly set.

  1. Go to the Keycloak admin console http://localhost:8080 logging in with admin/password
  2. Go to the realm you want to configure (pid-verification-realm should be already present)
  3. Go to the 'Identity Providers' tab
  4. Click on 'Add provider' and select 'SSI Verifier'
  5. Fill the IDP Url with the URL of the IDP you want to use (e.g. using provided idp http://localhost:88)
  6. Fill the Credential Type with the Type of the credential you want to verify.
  7. Fill the Verifier Url with the URL of the Verifier you want to use (e.g. using provided idp http://localhost:80)
  8. Fill the Claims requested with a comma separated list of claims to be asked for

NOTE: The verifier referenced by verifierUrl MUST be the same as the one used by the IDP.
In the provided examples, the IDP and the Verifier use the EUDI verifier endpoints.

  1. Click on 'Save'
  2. Go to the 'Authentication' tab
  3. Go to the 'Flows' tab
  4. Select the flow you want to edit or copy (e.g. 'Browser')
  5. Remove every step except from Cookie and Identity Provider Redirector
  6. Add the 'ssi-verifier' execution as Identity Provider Redirector -> Default provider to the flow
  7. Click on 'Save'
  8. Select Action Bind Flow
  9. Select the flow you want to use (e.g. 'Browser')