
Simple standalone date picker with only html, css and moment.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Table of Contents

About The Project

There are many great datepickers available on GitHub, however, I didn't find one that really suited my needs.

Here's why:

  • I hate dependencies like jQuery
  • I want the code to be as lightweight and portable as possible.
  • I want programmable features that HTML5 <input type="date"/> doesn't offer

January 28th Screenshot of Progress

Of course, no one datepicker will serve all projects since your needs may be different. So I'll be adding more to this API in the near future. You may also suggest changes by forking this repo and creating a pull request or opening an issue.


Since the goal of this project is to use only vanilla JavaScript and Moment.js, we have only one dependency:

Getting Started

If you do not plan to contribute your changes and just want to play around or implement this project:

  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://https://github.com/ctrachte/Datepicker.js
  1. open Datepicker.html in your browser of choice


This class can (will eventually) be implemented on any datepicker html object.


Contributions are greatly appreciated towards the final goal of a perfect datepicker!

Please visit this contribution guide for GitHub open source if you are unsure about any of these steps:

  1. Fork the Project (top right there should be a button)
  2. Look through the issues, and choose one that is not in progress on the project board
  3. Comment on the issue and I will assign it to you.
  4. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  6. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  7. Please track your progress on the project board
  8. Open a Pull Request

Code will be reviewed before being merged. If your code does not quite work or needs revision it may not be merged to the master.


Distributed under the MIT License.


Caleb Trachte - contact info will not be posted here, if you know me, message me

Project Link: https://github.com/ctrachte/Datepicker.js/projects/1