
Read Error using Resource mapped_subnets_mapped_domain

jmohr01 opened this issue · 1 comments

Get this error when trying to attach a domain to a subnet

metanetworks_mapped_subnets_mapped_domain.DC_Infrastructure_Group_Domain: Creating...

Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply

When applying changes to
provider "" produced an unexpected new
value: Root resource was present, but now absent.

This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.

All other attachments seem to work so far (MetaConnector -> Subnets, Alias -> Services, Routing Group -> Connector, Subnets)

My Code in my

resource "metanetworks_mapped_subnets" "DC_Infrastructure" {
    name                        = "DC_Infrastructure_Subnets"
    mapped_subnets              = [ *redacted*]
    description                 = "Subnet Group for all Data Centre (DC) Infrastructure. All clients requires access to services on
    these subnets, INF requires whole subnet access"
resource "metanetworks_mapped_subnets_mapped_domain" "DC_Infrastructure_Group_Domain" {
    mapped_subnets_id           =
    enterprise_dns              = true
    mapped_domain               = "redacted.redacted"
    name                        = "redacted.redacted"

I couldn't reproduce it using the latest commit