
Excess CPU use after commit f56f8cd

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Expected behaviour

Near-zero CPU use by system at idle

Actual behaviour

10-20% CPU use across all 8 threads on AMD Bulldozer with some default services (from GNOME and Cinnamon installs) disabled, one or more custom jobs modifying normal MATE jobs, and one or more custom startup jobs (conky in my case)

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Install m-s-m from today's git master (1.24.3 not tested but probably same problem), install Cinnamon or GNOME, and disable some non-MATE startup jobs. Also (in case this is the culprit) disable network-manager-applet and create a new startup job for it with nm-applet --indicator and create one or more custom startup jops as on my system. This will work fine with older versions of mate-session-manager but after
Follow freedesktop guidelines to disable autorun using Hidden key
you will see excessive CPU use

MATE general version


Package version

locally compiled from git master as of 4-22-2021

Linux Distribution

Debian Unstable

Link to bugreport of your Distribution (requirement)

None as this is a locally compiled package

Which process does have a high CPU load?

I can't reproduce a high cpu load with nm-applet --indicator as a new start job.
Neither mate-session or nm-applet processes produce a high cpu load here.
Everything work as normal with mentioned commit.
Is your issue reproducible with a fresh new user account?

Found the culprit: I had xscreensaver uninstalled but not xscreensaver-data, and still had that listed as a startup jop. With xscreensaver not installed, the session manager apparently kept trying to start it. Apparently the previous code tolerated this but the new code does not. Closing