
Publish version 0.6.2+1

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Publish checklist

  • Update the src/pubspec.yaml with the required version
  • Update the changelog
  • Update documentation
    • (+version sync)
    • src/ (+version sync)
    • example/
  • Format the code
    • in src dartfmt -w --fix src
    • in example dartfmt -w --fix example
  • Run tests
    • cd src
    • pub run test
    • cd ..
    • cd example
    • flutter test
    • flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart
    • cd ..
  • Commit with message #xxxx. Publish review completed
  • Merge develop changes into master
  • Dry run
    • cd src
    • pub publish --dry-run
  • Publish pub publish
  • Commit empty git commit --allow-empty -m "Completed publish closes #xxxx."