
error screens occuring while playing cartridge bergsteigen.gwc on pocket pc

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What cartridge are you playing?
bergsteigen.gwc (GC5QFYN, GC5QG46, GC5QG4M, GC5QG52 and GC5QG5D)

What is your phone/PDA manufacturer and model? What GPS are you using?
Samsung Galaxy S3 mini, GT-I8200N

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Thus it is hardly possible to let the cartridge run through as a whole, I 
play it by stages.
2. Every time I finish a stage I save the game and leave the cartridge.
3. When leaving the cartridge I am asked another time whether to save the game 
or not. Answering with yes leads to an error screen; restarting the same 
cartridge afterwards is not possible and leads to another error screen.

What is the expected output? What happens instead?
Expected output would be leaving the WhereYouGo-Player and restarting the 
cartridge without error messages. Instead of this error screens occur. When 
error screens occur, proceeding the cartridge is impossible.

If you see an error screen, please type its contents here:
when leaving the current cartridge: java.lang.NullPointerException
when restarting the same cartridge: Could not load cartridge: Problem loading 
game: null

What version are you using?
Android-Version 4.2.2
WhereYouGo-Player Version 0.8.13

Please provide any additional information below.

Original issue reported on by on 24 May 2015 at 11:02