Trezor Demo
The goal of this project is to demonstrate implementation of basic design in React Native. No business logic, all data just mocked.
Android app
You could download and install android version of this demo app here:
- Setup your machine for iOS and Android
- Click on
Building Projects with Native Code
tab and follow instructions.
- Typescript
- Prettier
- ESLint
- Husky (run ts check, eslint and jest before every commit)
- AppCenter: build APK on every push, basic analytics and crashlitics
- The design was made for 375px wide screen so size utility is defined in theme.ts to slightly accomodate the sizes by the screen size of the device to prevent huge/tiny elements. Has to be discussed with the desiger.
- TTHoves font from the design is paid so free custom font is used instead.
Next steps?
- Extract hardcoded content to mock utility or even on backend.
- Add i18n library and put all text there.
- Add utility for localizable number formatting.
- Add nice app icon and splash screen.
- Secure signing Android builds on AppCenter (public keystore is ok only for demo purposes).