
Matter breaks on resolutions different than 1920x1080

mateosss opened this issue · 4 comments

Propose a way to handle different resolutions.

is this actually handled by matter or is this handled by the grub on /etc/default/grub > GRUB_GFXMODE=auto ?
i've tried to changed the resolution for it (the grub) but still not doing anything, so I wonder if this is actually a bug from Matter or any miss configuration from pc

There some things Matter should be able to handle to properly adapt to whatever resolution the user wants.
As of now Matter hardcodes GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080,auto by default (see grub.template), so it should be able to recognize which other resolutions are available and select "the best one". The method which detects resolutions should get the same ones as the videoinfo command lists in grub.

After that two problems remain, adapting the font size and the layout. The latter should be done by modifying the percentages that appear in theme.txt.template. If you don't do this, elements will have weird locations and sizes.

What I do in another computer that does not have a 1920x1080 screen is: first normally install matter, and then manually edit /boot/grub/themes/Matter/theme.txt to custom percentages (found by trial and error). Also I change GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080,auto in /etc/default/grub to the correct resolution. This works well, but is of course not user friendly enough.

it is not really a great solution, but as I just needed an hour to figure out what was wrong, why not just add a hint/information to the readme that people should check the template files if they have a different resolution as 1920*1080?

(auto set my resolution to 780xsomething so that it looked completely broken)

(there is an information that Matter changes the resolution in /etc/default/grub, but it is very easy to miss)

Currently I only changed the resolution in grub.template to the correct one before installing matter.

Good suggestion! I added a note to the quick start section.