
Everything is huge

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So, first off, apologies for the command windows. With everything being as big as it is I'm having trouble working my way around the WM, so please bare with me.

I have freshly installed awesome on my system, and followed your instructions in to install material-awesome. The installation went over without any errors, and I am able to successfully log into the awesome session with your theme working, with just one small (or rather, quite issue, that being that everything is HUGE. You can see what I'm talking about here:

As you can see, the bars and workspaces, etc are taking up most of my screen space, as well as the bottom of the side bar being cut off entirely past the connections widget.

I'm new to awesomeWM entirely, so sorry if this is something obvious that I'm missing. Thanks in advance for any support.

Probably a DPI bug with Xorg try xrandr --dpi 96

This did not fix the issue

edit: any chance editing dpi settings in the awesome configs could fix this?