
First seat gets selected when clicking elsewhere

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Clicking anywhere in the div #chartSeat (not on a seat) toggles the top-left seat selection status.
It toggles back at the next hovering of any seat.
It also does not toggle if this seat is already selected.

Not that important, but it seems easy to fix :)
This problem is present in your demo version if you want to check.

Great repo !

I got same problem also.
Have you found the solution?

Hey satriani ! No I have'nt unfortunatly, it would have required to look into the sources, but I did not have the time nor the skills to do so

I just worked on this today.

All you need to do is comment out or remove the following line within the file.
line 472: seats[seatIds[0]].focus();

I believe this is an accessibility feature, but needs some tweaking as it does lead to unexpected behaviour.

Saying that the line above it.
line 471: fn.find('.seatCharts-seat:not(.seatCharts-space):first').focus(); also needs removing otherwise the map jumps to the top.

I will have an investigate properly over the coming weeks and share anything that might be helpful...