
Shitty Repo

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It's no use, a total waste of time! I've been dealing with it for 3 days and have edited so many things that I can't count anymore! I changed so many things that I inadvertently wrote my own script! Do not bother with this repo. You just get angry!

Well I used it a few years ago as a starting point to create live seating plans for London theatres and it worked perfectly. I imagine it depends on what your looking for.

It's a little hard to explain. There are 2 select boxes. Choosing how many blocks are from right to left and top to bottom. And those selected blocks are filled with seats. Then you click on the seats to delete some seats. The 'selected' class is added to the selected seats. Also, the 'aria-checked' parameter is 'true'. Selected seats are made invisible by giving 'opacity: 0'. For example, in a 5x7 size bus, you create a corridor by choosing the seats in the middle.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
It continues in the form. When I choose the middle seats, I have to rename them. Otherwise, it progresses as 1 - 2 - 4 -5 - 6 - 7 - 9 - 10 and there are lost numbers in between. But there is no function for renaming. So I'm running the script again. I use 'f' for unselected seats and 'a' for selected seats as an array map. For example ['ffaff']. Up to this point, I have already encountered a lot of bugs and solved them. But I didn't want to continue from here. Because if I really did it from the beginning, it would be shorter. I choose the 'a' ones from the getLabel section and get its location. For example 1_3. Then I select the div tag with id number 1_3 and use attr to make the aria-checked part true. But this library prevents this code from running. When I write from the console, it works, but when I write from the getLabel section, it does not work. I will not waste time to solve this problem. I am writing myself from the very beginning.