
How to get rid of #define PIN_INPUT?

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I want to use the GPIO number obtained from SPIFFS in OneButton.
Something like this:

#include <OneButton.h>
#include <FS.h>

void setup()
File _file =
BUTTON_pin = r_c.toInt();
OneButton button1(BUTTON_pin, true, true);

Is this possible? How?

This is what I did:

Added a copy OneButton::OneButton to the library

void initOB(const int pin, const boolean activeLow = true, const bool pullupActive = true);

void OneButton::initOB(const int pin, const boolean activeLow, const bool pullupActive)
// OneButton();
_pin = pin;

if (activeLow) {
// the button connects the input pin to GND when pressed.
_buttonPressed = LOW;


#include <OneButton.h>
#include <FS.h>

OneButton button1;

void setup()
File _file =
BUTTON_pin = r_c.toInt();
button1.initOB(BUTTON_pin, true, true);

It works. But I'm not sure if this is the right way.

There is no need to use a OneButton instance as a global variable. You can defer creating this by just having a global pointer and
initializing the OneButton instance later.

See current version of the example SimpleOneButton.

This change was required because of a changed behavior in the Arduino library of Arduino Nano ESP32
where initialization also had to be delayed. See Issue #129