
Anyone else noticing extreme lag?

professoroakz opened this issue · 1 comments

Yoo. I always setup with these .macos settings, but this time I did it after a while. I set these up on my work computer aswell (MBP 16" 2019 i9 32GB RAM), and noticed extreme lag here as well. I dont have time for going through settings one by one, but does anyone have any ideas of what may slow the system down? I'm just noticing general lag.

Macbook Pro mid 2015 3.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7 16GB RAM

I'm experiencing the same thing. I set this up on my work computer about 1.5 years ago and it's been fine. Trying to set this up on my personal compute and it's very slow. Just tried configuring these again and still getting about an 8 second lag with a lot of aliases. When opening my terminal the command line prompt takes about 8secs load, the same lag happens when cd'ing to the home directory with the ~ alias but this lag is also the case for cd with no args now, happens with .. and others.

System: MacBook Pro Mid 2014 OXS 10.13.3

Disregard, good ol' user error. Seems there was a git repository in my home directory resulting in the prompt_git() taking a long time to execute. Removed that git repository and it's working as expected.