
"Private" jsperfs?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is private jsperfs in the making? I'd like to share a jsperf with some people at work, but it contains some copyrighted, proprietary library we make. So I can't make it searchable, but I would like it to be shareable ("secret" url á la Google Docs sharing).

This is already supported. Just don’t check the “publish” checkbox.

Non-published tests seem to still be available; they just are not listed via Latest or Revisions. EG this is not directly listed:
Or how about this non-published test?
(I find having the non-published tests posted useful when I want to test in different browsers before 'publishing'.)

Likely the only way to make a 99.9% secure test is to instal it yourself

Even if I don't check the "published" checkbox, my tests still show up in the search – that is not what I expected. Is it intended?!

See for example
