
Impossible to create or update new tests for a week ago

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,

Since a week or so I am not able to create or update new tests for a week ago and I do not get any visible error. I have tried from Firefox, Chrome and Chromium in Ubuntu and Windows without succeed.

Under Firefox, I have noticed that once I press "Beautify code" there is an error in the firebug console but I cannot see it properly since it disappears instantly due to the page refresh.

Thank you so much.

I have achieved to get the firebug error log:

ReferenceError: style_html is not defined
.../ig).join("-")}function k(z){var y=this,x=z=="html"?style_html:js_beautify;y.val...

No idea to which line it refers.. because is the minified version of file main-140629.js

Thank for your time... but for some reason it works again.