
Disappearing Tests

Closed this issue · 5 comments

jsPerf is fantastic, thank you for providing it.

Recently I wanted to look at a series of tests related to this Stack Overflow question and my answer to it, but they seem to have disappeared. Comments on the SO question suggest they were gone as of July, although of course it could have been earlier. It was various versions of this test case: I've looked through search results and I'm just not seeing them. I can see other ones of array speed, including typed arrays, but not ours.

This FAQ entry suggests that test cases aren't automatically purged, could there be a bug of some kind?

Unfortunately we had to do a database rollback in July, causing the loss of about 3 days worth of tests. I suspect some of your tests were in that range. Apologies for the inconvenience :(

On the bright side you can recreate the test with the same slug to populate the url again.

@mathiasbynens : I'm reasonably certain the tests were there for at least weeks before they disappeared, does that fit with the rollback? When you say it involved losing three days of tests, that sounds like the most recent three days of tests...

I'm reasonably certain the tests were there for at least weeks before they disappeared, does that fit with the rollback?

I don’t know how that would happen. Only @jdalton and I can delete tests and we only do so if the test is garbage or spam (so definitely not your tests).

When you say it involved losing three days of tests, that sounds like the most recent three days of tests...


From time to time I do spam/junk clean up passes. Non spam/junk tests may get caught in the cleanup. To avoid deletion it helps to ensure your test has a non-gibberish name, doesn't have excessive profanity or sexual content, doesn't throw JS errors, isn't invalid (testing things like single or double quotes or non-JS things like excerpts from your favorite book), and doesn't appear to be duplicated tests (use the test revision feature instead).