
Bug: f(z)=z and c=1/3-i/3 produces f(c)= -i/3 rather than f(c) = 1/3 - i/3

sadqiang opened this issue · 4 comments

The following code snippet produces (0,-0.33333) rather than (0.33333,-0.33333).

using System;
using static MathNet.Symbolics.SymbolicExpression;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Numerics.Complex;
using Complex = System.Numerics.Complex;

namespace MathNetSymbolicsCompile
    class Program
        static readonly Complex i = ImaginaryOne;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var z = Variable("z");
            Func<Complex, Complex> f = (z).CompileComplex("z");
            Complex c = 1/3 - i/3 ;

The following information might be irrelevant.
I successfully tested it with Xamarin.Forms for UWP, Android and iOS. It is really multi platform library.

I tried again with real numbers, the same bug occurs.

var x = Variable("x");
Func<double, double> f = (x).Compile("x");
double c = 1 / 3;
Result.Text = f(c).ToString();

Oh... I think I know the solution.

1/3 = 0 - integer division

@FoggyFinder : That is what I was thinking several seconds ago.