
What about cooperation?

WhiteBlackGoose opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm WhiteBlackGoose, author of a new symbolic algebra library AngouriMath.

I thought that we could somehow cooperate, maybe integrate some common API between Math.NET's libraries and AngouriMath.

Feel free to redirect me to some channel on slack/discord/gitter anywhere else where we can discuss it, if you find it interesting enough (discussing it in here might be not very efficient).


Sure, I'm open to discuss any form of cooperation. Aligning on some APIs or some way to interoperate would certainly be interesting. Even if only, for example, to be able to easily validate/test e.g. Symbolics algorithms against AngouriMath.

I think it'd be better to have a discussion in a chat, to be honest (otherwise it'd go too slowly). If you have discord, I'm Oryp4ik#0120

So, no reaction. Ok.