
Problem running example

lindroth opened this issue · 5 comments

When I try to run the example I get:

go run main.go

graphqlwshandler/handler.go:54:20: h.schema.Subscribe undefined (type *graphql.Schema has no field or method Subscribe)
graphqlwshandler/handler.go:66:24: select case must be receive, send or assign recv


  1. What version of Go are you running?

  2. Have you ran dep ensure to pull down the correct dependencies for this project as per the

My bad. I missed that.
I also missed that does not support websockets yet in their main release.

Already on it. I found them after starting digging.
Do you think graph-gophers/graphql-go is good even though it is missing subscriptions or is there a more mature library that already has it? Just starting a new quite big project.

@lindroth I would definitively use graph-gophers/graphql-go over any other graphQL Go library. That being said, if you must have GraphQL Subscriptions (production ready) I don't think there is a good option right now and that's why I've been contributing. Hopefully that changes shortly.