
Maintainers and collaborators?

matiassingers opened this issue · 6 comments

I admit I haven't had a ton of time lately and had missed out on a lot of notifications and pending PRs here.

@andiemmadavies @waldyrious @Robson I noticed you had all been super helpful with comments and suggestions for submitted READMEs, would any of you be interested in helping out?

Ah thanks! Sure, I'd be happy to help 😊

CC @rayhanadev and @brodybits as well for alerting me! :)

Ah thanks! Sure, I'd be happy to help 😊

Thanks so much @andiemmadavies - done!

I'd be honored :).

Sure! I'd be very happy to help everyone with this project.

Thanks so much everyone, I think we have a solid team of collaborators now - really appreciate it! ❤️