
Per-tag color when entering color as hex-values

Jaszkowic opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey! I am currently using this Vue component in a project where the user can enter colors in the hex-format. To validate the input I am using the validate option: :validate="new RegExp(/^#[0-9a-f]{6}/i)". Everything works great. Now I have a feature proposal: It would be really great if the background color of the tag would change the color according to the entered color tag. This could be realized by providing an option that needs to be set explicitly and/or by providing a new entry in the validators object, called colors or similar that would automatically trigger the "per-tag color". Just an idea, that would be very helpful for me 👍

Version of Vue I'm using?: 2.5.11
Version of vue-input-tag I'm using?: 1.0.3

Hi! thanks for the idea. To be honest this seems a very specific feature mostly for your case only. I don't think is important. But if you want you are welcome to create a PR.