
bor can not sync

EronTo opened this issue · 19 comments

I'm facing a persistent issue with my BOR client failing to sync correctly. The following log messages keep appearing repeatedly:

Jun 30 06:08:01 pol bor[123821]: WARN [06-30|06:08:01.890] unable to handle whitelist milestone     err="missing blocks"
Jun 30 06:08:13 pol bor[123821]: INFO [06-30|06:08:13.890] Got new milestone from heimdall          start=58,777,986 end=58,778,001 hash=0xc37d0a4fbea55fa63c2926a6d55942581079f638893aac185f0d802fdeb9cf07
Jun 30 06:08:13 pol bor[123821]: WARN [06-30|06:08:13.890] unable to handle whitelist milestone     err="missing blocks"
Jun 30 06:08:25 pol bor[123821]: INFO [06-30|06:08:25.891] Got new milestone from heimdall          start=58,777,986 end=58,778,001 hash=0xc37d0a4fbea55fa63c2926a6d55942581079f638893aac185f0d802fdeb9cf07
Jun 30 06:08:25 pol bor[123821]: WARN [06-30|06:08:25.891] unable to handle whitelist milestone     err="missing blocks"
Jun 30 06:08:37 pol bor[123821]: INFO [06-30|06:08:37.890] Got new milestone from heimdall          start=58,777,986 end=58,778,001 hash=0xc37d0a4fbea55fa63c2926a6d55942581079f638893aac185f0d802fdeb9cf07

System Details:

BOR version: 1.3.3
Heimdall version: 1.0.7
When I run the command:

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_peerCount","params":[],"id":1}'
I get the following response:


Here is my config.toml configuration:

chain = "mainnet"
# identity = "node_name"
# verbosity = 3
# vmdebug = false
datadir = "/home/ubuntu/pol"
# ancient = ""
# "db.engine" = "leveldb"
# keystore = ""
# "rpc.batchlimit" = 100
# "rpc.returndatalimit" = 10000
syncmode = "full"
# gcmode = "full"
# snapshot = true
# ethstats = ""
# devfakeauthor = false

# ["eth.requiredblocks"]

# [log]
#    vmodule = ""
#    json = false
#    backtrace = ""
#    debug = true
#    enable-block-tracking = false

    maxpeers = 400
    port = 30303
    # maxpendpeers = 50
    # bind = ""
    # nodiscover = false
    # nat = "any"
    # netrestrict = ""
    # nodekey = ""
    # nodekeyhex = ""
    # txarrivalwait = "500ms"
        # v4disc = true
        # v5disc = false
        bootnodes = ["enode://b8f1cc9c5d4403703fbf377116469667d2b1823c0daf16b7250aa576bacf399e42c3930ccfcb02c5df6879565a2b8931335565f0e8d3f8e72385ecf4a4bf160a@", "enode://8729e0c825f3d9cad382555f3e46dcff21af323e89025a0e6312df541f4a9e73abfa562d64906f5e59c51fe6f0501b3e61b07979606c56329c020ed739910759@"]
        # bootnodesv4 = []
        # bootnodesv5 = []
        # static-nodes = []
        # dns = []

# [heimdall]
#    url = "http://localhost:1317"
#    "bor.without" = false
#    grpc-address = ""

    nolocals = true
    pricelimit = 30000000000
    accountslots = 16
    globalslots = 32768
    accountqueue = 16
    globalqueue = 32768
    lifetime = "1h30m0s"
    # locals = []
    # journal = ""
    # rejournal = "1h0m0s"
    # pricebump = 10

    gaslimit = 30000000
    gasprice = "30000000000"
    # mine = false
    # etherbase = ""
    # extradata = ""
    # recommit = "2m5s"
    # commitinterrupt = true

    ipcpath = "/var/lib/bor/bor.ipc"
    # ipcdisable = false
    # gascap = 50000000
    # evmtimeout = "5s"
    # txfeecap = 5.0
    # allow-unprotected-txs = false
    # enabledeprecatedpersonal = false
        enabled = true
        port = 8545
        host = ""
        api = ["eth", "net", "web3", "txpool", "bor"]
        vhosts = ["*"]
        corsdomain = ["*"]
        # prefix = "/"
        # ep-size = 40
        # ep-requesttimeout = "0s"
    # []
    #     enabled = false
    #     port = 8546
    #     prefix = ""
    #     host = "localhost"
    #     api = ["web3", "net"]
    #     origins = ["*"]
    #     ep-size = 40
    #     ep-requesttimeout = "0s"
    # [jsonrpc.graphql]
    #     enabled = false
    #     port = 0
    #     prefix = ""
    #     host = ""
    #     vhosts = ["*"]
    #     corsdomain = ["*"]
    # [jsonrpc.auth]
    #     jwtsecret = ""
    #     addr = "localhost"
    #     port = 8551
    #     vhosts = ["localhost"]
    # [jsonrpc.timeouts]
    #     read = "10s"
    #     write = "30s"
    #     idle = "2m0s"

    # blocks = 20
    # percentile = 60
    # maxheaderhistory = 1024
    # maxblockhistory = 1024
    # maxprice = "5000000000000"
    ignoreprice = "30000000000"

    metrics = true
    # expensive = false
    # prometheus-addr = ""
    # opencollector-endpoint = ""
    # [telemetry.influx]
    #     influxdb = false
    #     endpoint = ""
    #     database = ""
    #     username = ""
    #     password = ""
    #     influxdbv2 = false
    #     token = ""
    #     bucket = ""
    #     organization = ""
    # [telemetry.influx.tags]

    cache = 5096
    # gc = 25
    # snapshot = 10
    # database = 50
    # trie = 15
    # noprefetch = false
    # preimages = false
    # txlookuplimit = 2350000
    # blocklogs = 32
    # timeout = "1h0m0s"
    # fdlimit = 0

# [accounts]
#    unlock = []
#    password = ""
#    allow-insecure-unlock = false
#    lightkdf = false
#    disable-bor-wallet = false

# [grpc]
#    addr = ":3131"

# [developer]
#    dev = false
#    period = 0
#    gaslimit = 11500000

# [pprof]
#   pprof = false
#   port = 6060
#   addr = ""
#   memprofilerate = 524288
#   blockprofilerate = 0

Could anyone help me diagnose and resolve this issue? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

The same parameters and config, and the same problem

i have same problem

feld commented

^^ do not follow that scam link

Can we get survey of where the servers are? Mine hosted with AWS have the syncing issue too. I've been struggling with this since late March when 1.3.0 was released as we used to have no problems getting 200 peers back then

^^ do not follow that scam link

Can we get survey of where the servers are? Mine hosted with AWS have the syncing issue too. I've been struggling with this since late March when 1.3.0 was released as we used to have no problems getting 200 peers back then

I never had 200 nodes connected, the most I ever had was around 40, and now I have temporarily started syncing normally by adding peers

Problem still exists on every bor node. When you guys can fix this issue ?

The same issues on the same versions of the bor and heimdall.

same problem here

We are still using 1.2.X, to avoid this issue.

Мы по-прежнему используем 1.2.X, чтобы избежать этой проблемы.

what versions do you use to solve this problem, can you tell us more?

Мы по-прежнему используем 1.2.X, чтобы избежать этой проблемы.

what versions do you use to solve this problem, can you tell us more?

1.2.8 Bor + 1.0.4 Heimdall and used the used the last Snapshot provided by Polygon team. Took about ~3 weeks to sync.

I downgraded a node to 1.2.8 Bor + 1.0.4 Heimdall, and started to sync for about 10-15 minutes, then I got the same error err="missing blocks"

I downgraded a node to 1.2.8 Bor + 1.0.4 Heimdall, and started to sync for about 10-15 minutes, then I got the same error err="missing blocks"

Are you working from snapshot or sync from 0?

This err="missing blocks" remind me a common issue with other chains, once your Node was killed or not gracefully shutdown your chaindata getting corrupted there is no any other sign for that unless it will never sync anymore.

I'm working from a snapshot. It was on version 1.3.3, synced for a couple of weeks, then stopped to sync. After restart, it syncs for 5-10 minutes, and then I get this error.

I'm working from a snapshot. It was on version 1.3.3, synced for a couple of weeks, then stopped to sync. After restart, it syncs for 5-10 minutes, and then I get this error.

I got the same issue

Facing the same issue with the same version and config. Any solution/fixes?

This fixed it for me (seems these 3 issues are duplicate)
#1239 (comment)

my node 1.3.3 was stopping synching as soon as is reached the HEAD (it seems it could only sync historically...)
then, deleting nodekey, nodes/ and starting with bootnodes ( I took a few bootnodes from a node running on 1.2.8 that was working).