
heimdall in mumbai testnet doesn't connect to any seeds

rufin0615 opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Heimdall version (use heimdall version or git rev-parse --verify HEAD if installed from source):


  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): Amazon Linux 2023
  • Install tools:
  • Others:

What happened:
heimdall in mumbai testnet doesn't connect to any seeds

What you expected to happen:
connect and sync normally

Have you tried the latest version: yes

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Just follow this guide (binary and docker)

Logs (paste a small part showing an error (< 10 lines) or link a pastebin, gist, etc. containing more of the log file):

ERROR[2023-07-21|04:22:22.694] Couldn't connect to any seeds                module=p2p 
ERROR[2023-07-21|04:22:50.692] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="dial tcp i/o timeout" seed=e72c0466a02ea43b2198bd3a9454b87a3ef0d77e@
ERROR[2023-07-21|04:22:51.693] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="dial tcp i/o timeout" seed=b302d1ddb21102e794b524d05152a7834da05bd1@
ERROR[2023-07-21|04:22:52.694] Error dialing seed                           module=p2p err="dial tcp i/o timeout" seed=9dfc12d9f39257cefc3d57a4d7302586e59a994e@

Config (you can paste only the changes you've made):

sed -i 's|^seeds =.*|seeds = "e72c0466a02ea43b2198bd3a9454b87a3ef0d77e@,b302d1ddb21102e794b524d05152a7834da05bd1@,9dfc12d9f39257cefc3d57a4d7302586e59a994e@"|g' /var/lib/heimdall/config/config.toml

node command runtime flags:

/dump_consensus_state output for consensus bugs

Anything else we need to know:

milc0x commented

I also suffer from this issue when restarting heimdall process.
I noticed that blocks in mumbai testnet stopped producing yesterday.
Although the issue has been recovered, I wonder if the seed nodes of heimdall changed at that time.
If seed nodes were changed, please provide the new nodes to make heimdall sync normally.

Hey @rufin0615 @milc0x sorry that you faced this issue! We'll check internally if the node IDs have changed and let you know. Thanks for your patience!

Our seed node IDs did actually change. Could you try these and let us know ? :
9df7ae4bf9b996c0e3436ed4cd3050dbc5742a28@, d9275750bc877b0276c374307f0fd7eae1d71e35@
We'll also get our docs updated soon. Sorry again for the trouble!

Thank you very much @Raneet10. For me, it is working again.

Thank you. It works.