
Pre defined types and effects

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello all,

Is there a way I can get the pre-defined types and operations?

For example,
For lists, is there a library for lists that I can import easily or I do I have to copy any definition I need into my file?

I am now struggling with Ref type

there is currently no Ref type. In most cases it can be substituted by a state handler.
An example of that can be found in jseff/examples.eff starting at line 334.
Further down, in the multi-threading section, there is also an example of a queue as a more advanced state handler.

Some useful functions are already defined in the pervasives.eff (and I do believe it also includes an integer state handler).

Yes! this is what I have been looking and finding function definitions pervasives.eff
and also examples/benchmarks

I just wanted to know if there is an easier way to import function definitions

Thank you for letting me know Ref is not available
I highly appreciate your help
I have been using the language for about2 months for research purposes