
refac: generate Go code to render themes

matm opened this issue ยท 23 comments

matm commented

Generating the code for methods Beautifier.Template() and Beautifier.Data() will ease theme management. This way Beautifer.Assets() can be used to simply define the required assets to build a theme.

  • Remove implementions of Beautifier.Template() and Beautifier.Data() for the golang (default) theme
  • Write a Go generator in pkg/themes/generator.go that will generate a default_gen.go file implementing those two methods with proper content taken from Assets()
  • Update the build system to go generate before building

Generating the code for methods Beautifier.Template() and Beautifier.Data() will ease theme management. This way Beautifer.Assets() can be used to simply define the required assets to build a theme.

  • Remove implementions of Beautifier.Template() and Beautifier.Data() for the golang (default) theme
  • Write a Go generator in pkg/themes/generator.go that will generate a default_gen.go file implementing those two methods with proper content taken from Assets()
  • Update the build system to go generate before building

Hi @matm I don't see generator.go file in pkg/themes/ and we are getting this error
/../ cannot use defaultTheme{} (type defaultTheme) as type types.Beautifier in slice literal:
defaultTheme does not implement types.Beautifier (missing Data method) cannot use defaultTheme{} (type defaultTheme) as type types.Beautifier in assignment:
defaultTheme does not implement types.Beautifier (missing Data method)

matm commented

Hi @MdSahilGrab, the generator code has been moved to cmd/generator on master. How do you get this error? How do you build it?

Actually we have this command in Dockerfile RUN go get which we are running when building the code.

@matm so you want to us to use RUN go get

matm commented

Okay, can you try with the latest stable release instead? Something like

RUN go install

Yes we tried but this is also not working

matm commented

@matm so you want to us to use RUN go get

Maybe this can help:

matm commented

Yes we tried but this is also not working

What if you do

RUN go install

Let me check

@matm so you want to us to use RUN go get

Maybe this can help:

Yes we tried but this is also not working

What if you do

RUN go install

When we tried this command RUN go install, we actually got this error.
go: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off; see 'go help modules'
The command '/bin/sh -c go install' returned a non-zero code: 1

Maybe this can help:,
How exactly can i use this in dokerfile

matm commented

Can you paste a working sample of your Dockerfile here? I need more context, thank you.

@matm yeah this is the Dockerfile we have now which was running successfully till yesterday
RUN ./
RUN go get
RUN go get
RUN go get
RUN go get
RUN go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode count ./... 2>&1 | go-junit-report > report.xml
RUN mkdir $GOPATH/coverage
RUN mkdir $GOPATH/lint
RUN gocov convert coverage.txt > coverage.json
RUN gocov-xml < coverage.json > $GOPATH/coverage/coverage.xml
RUN gocov-html < coverage.json > $GOPATH/coverage/index.html
RUN cp report.xml $GOPATH/coverage/report.xml
RUN cp lint_report.xml $GOPATH/lint/lint_report.xml

matm commented

Which Go compiler version is used by this image?

its golang:1.16-alpine3.14

matm commented

This works:

FROM golang:1.16-alpine3.14
RUN go get
RUN go get


$ docker build -t tool .
$ docker run --rm -ti tool gocov-html -h
Usage of gocov-html:
  -d    output CSS of default theme
        list available themes
  -s string
        path to custom CSS file
  -t string
        theme to use for rendering (default "golang")
  -v    show program version

@matm This is what we have in dockerfile but still its failing from yesterday
FROM golang:1.16-alpine3.14 RUN go get RUN go get

matm commented

Can you try my Dockerfile above and assert if it works? If it does work, the problem is elsewhere.

matm commented

Fetching the latest stable release v1.2.0 works too:

FROM golang:1.16-alpine3.14
RUN go get
RUN go install

No error, gocov-html works.

Not sure why its failing, will check internally

@matm What is the reason not to store generated code in git?

matm commented

@obalunenko Actually, I was thinking about it today. Also this would prevent increasing the major version number and keeping the go install working.

matm commented

v1.3.1 just released and fixes this annoying issue. go install works as usual now.
Thanks for your feedback guys.