Forbidden stacktrace when getting info in DM
Gillingham opened this issue · 1 comments
Gillingham commented
Steps to reproduce.
- Create a poll, I'm not sure it matters but the one I created as anonymous.
- DM the bot
pm!show <poll>
- Click the info ? on the bots response.
- You correctly get the info for the poll, but it also causes the below stacktrace.
Task exception was never retrieved
1|pollmaster | future: <Task finished coro=<Message.remove_reaction() done, defined at /home/.../.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/> exception=Forbidden('403 FORBIDDEN (error code: 50003): Cannot execute action on a DM channel')>
1|pollmaster | Traceback (most recent call last):
1|pollmaster | File "/home/.../.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/", line 863, in remove_reaction
1|pollmaster | await self._state.http.remove_reaction(,, emoji,
1|pollmaster | File "/home/.../.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/discord/", line 218, in request
1|pollmaster | raise Forbidden(r, data)
1|pollmaster | discord.errors.Forbidden: 403 FORBIDDEN (error code: 50003): Cannot execute action on a DM channel
matnad commented
That is caused because the bot cant remove user reactions in DM channels.
I will fix it with the next release, but this is nothing to worry about, you can just ignore the errors.