
GeoIP2 (PHP) not working/could not be found

ministry-of-code opened this issue ยท 16 comments

Using the latest Docker Image. In Settings -> Geolocation is says that GeoIP (Php) is not installed. As far as I understood, this should work (the Docker Image Website states that the Image includes geoip/maxmind). When I look into the running Container, I can see a "GeoIPCity.dat" File in the misc directory.

Has someone a hint for me what I can do to activate GeoIP without building the container image by my-self?


bildschirmfoto 2019-01-21 um 17 52 45

J0WI commented

Fixed in #134

@J0WI great to know, thanks. When will be an updated Docker container image be available? I would like to use the "official" one instead of building my own for each update.

J0WI commented

This depends on the build pipeline of DockerHub. They should be ready within 12 hours.

This depends on the build pipeline of DockerHub. They should be ready within 12 hours.


As far as I can see, the last build is 13 days ago(?) Are you sure there will be a new build with this fix within the next hours?

J0WI commented

The build server is still busy with patching CVE-2019-3462

The build server is still busy with patching CVE-2019-3462

oh wow. Ok, this could take a while...

@J0WI still no new image in sight... is the pipeline broken?

So I am running v3.8.1 from image: matomo:latest now, but I am still facing this issue :(
There is a file called GeoLite2-City.mmdb in /var/www/html/misc but it's timestamp is Jan 22.

@mcnesium hmm, Jan 22 2019? Sounds okay to me. The database does not need to be ugraded so often - once every couple of weeks is good enough,

Ok nevermind then, it just stroke me. Anyway, the GeoIP error still exists over here in v3.8.1, so either I messed something up or this issue is not yet fixed.

I have not tried the latest image yet. If you say it's still broken, maybe @J0WI can give us a hint?

J0WI commented

You need to select GeoIP2 in your geolocation settings.

great! i gave it a try and it works like a charm. thanks @J0WI

@J0WI there is no such selection available at my place:

screenshot from 2019-01-31 18-24-24

Just happened to find out that I needed to actually activate the GeoIP-plugin in the plugins section to be able to select it in the geolocation settings. Now it's in the list, can be selected, and the system check no longer complains about not using GeoIP ๐Ÿ‘