
Duplicit reports on matomo cloud

Iskander508 opened this issue · 0 comments

We've been using the matomo iOS and Android SDK in a react-native app for a past few months, reporting to the servers. We can occasionally see some reports being doubled (a few times repeated even more than 5-times), meaning the same set of events within one visit being duplicit (same values, same timestamp), while reported from the app only once (we are very confident there're no duplicit calls to the SDK).
Duplicities happen for both tracked types (event and screen/view).
With tens to hundreds daily active users this happened about 30 times within 2 months (November/December 2020).

Unfortunately these reports come from user devices in the wild, locally we cannot reproduce the issue. Sometimes it happens that only part of the visit is doubled, and also sometimes the doubled part of the visit is followed by a correctly reported part with no duplicities while the app stays in the foreground the whole time.

These reports came from all kinds of devices, iOS as well as Android.
using MatomoTracker 7.3 on iOS, org.matomo.sdk:tracker:4.1.2 on Android

Similar report was created on the iOS github project: matomo-org/matomo-sdk-ios#372