passing values with TrackMe
SepidehAkbarinezhad opened this issue · 1 comments
I 'm using matomo to log the events in my android app.I use the below codes when I have one string and one float to pass and it works well :
.event("category_name"," event_name")
and I can see the log in Visitors>visits log as below:
category_name - event_name - user_name [100]
Now my question is here : when I want to pass more values as I get from documentation I can use TrackMe .
so I change my code to this :
TrackHelper.track(new TrackMe()
.set("itemName", "item_name")
.set("itemId", itemId))
.event("category_name", "event_name")
but as a result nothing changes in the event that I see in my matomo panel . there is nothing about the values I pass with TrackMe.
Am I doing something wrong? could you please guide me that how can I pass more values to matomo?
You can find the code for the TrackHelper.EventBuilder
an event can only have one name, and one value.
Maybe you are looking for Custom Dimensions