
Single event doesn't appear on Dashboard

nostromoo opened this issue · 4 comments


We are using the android Matomo SDK version 4.1.4. We have notice that when we log one single event on a dispatchInterval period, it doesn't appear in the dashboard, but when there are several, it works fine.

After analysing the code of the Matomo sdk, I notice that to report a single event, the SDK is doing a http GET request and if there are more than one a http POST request (see send() method in DefaultPacketSender).

I tried to fork the Matomo SDK and modify the code to ensure that we use the POST call all the time, and it works fine.

Could you fix the issue please? Or tell us if there is a problem in our integration?


When you fixed it, it would be fine, when you make a pull request for it

I have an error when I try to push my branch :

remote: Permission to matomo-org/matomo-sdk-android.git denied to nostromoo.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

I tried with username/password and accessToken login

You are not allowed to push to this repository, you need first an own fork.
Add this as a new remote to your repository and push it there.
With this you can make a pull request.

Here you have the long and complete story

Thank you for your reply, it's done :