
Add the possibility to standardize the value of the variable

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi Team,

When sending the value of a variable, the data can be messy.
The idea would be to add next to the variable button:
Screenshot from 2024-04-04 14-33-13
A menu to select between:

  • slug
  • CamelCase
  • PascalCase
  • Alphanum
    By selecting one of them it will override the data sent to Matomo in order to clean it.

Hi @Chardonneaur . Thank you for taking the time to create this issue. Just to confirm, you're wanting to have the option to force the value of a variable to a specific case? So, even if the variable pulls a slug-case value from the DOM, it will return the value in camelCase if that's what is selected?

@Chardonneaur Can you please explain how will this be helpful ? We do have a way to change the value by criteria

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 05-15-01

Hello everybody,

This feature would be really useful and would keep reports organized.
For example, I meet lots of clients who set up on site search tracking (for exemple), but for whom this report is not really usable because of non-standardized values.
In this table, you will find values ​​like:

  • Démo
  • démo
  • Demo
  • demo

Which could be grouped under a single “demo” value (easier to read sums and totals).
Formatting data before storing it in the database makes reports easier to analyze, avoids duplicates and ensures the quality of the data collected.

This will be a great feature for everyone.
Ronan H

@Chardonneaur Then adding the option to change the case to lower/upper should be sufficient for this issue.

Users should be able to handle formatting for accents, spaces, lower/upper, alphanum, this would be a complete feature.