
Highlight issues

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm trying to create a highlight to highlight all the skills in skillset with the same color. I did read the closed issue about highlights that were replacing any matched text after the first match. Updating to the most recent version of FB did fix that.

Now it highlights the first match in the first column of the "exp" output. But does not match the skill directly across in the same line. I'm almost certain this is because I don't know how to write regex's. Any help would be appreciated.

Yea, last update had some pretty significant changes to the way highlighting works, especially when it comes to group matching.

Can you give me any examples what it's supposed to look like? What's your progress so far? Can you give me the regex you're currently working with?

Thank you for the response!
I've tried many regex's.. the problem is.. I can't read them lol. I try to emulate them. I use the regex tool on a website to see what it's matching to.
So currently I'm using: \b2HE:|\bTwohanded Edged:|\bLarge Edged:|\bLE:|\bSmall Blunt:|\bSB:|\bTwohanded Blunt:|\b2HB:|Bow:|\bStaves:|\bLight Thrown:|\bLT:|\bHeavy Thrown:|\bHT:|\bBrawling:|\bPolearms:|\bCrossbow:|\bSlings:|\bLarge Blunt:|\bLB:|\bSmall Edged:|\bSE:|\bOffhand:|\bMelee:|\bMelee Mastery:|\bMissile:|\bMissile Mastery:|\bOffhand Weapon:

And it gives me this output:
regex pic

So I would like the output to highlight the matched word in the second column. It does it if the word in the first column is not matched.

I haven't had enough time to fully investigate but at first glance i would say it's a bug. Looking into a possible fix.

The fix should now be ready in the latest release.

One thing if it still doesn't work try enabling partial matching otherwise it looks for whole words only.

This worked fantastically. Thank you. The only thing it doesn't match is "Parry Ability:" But I'll work on that. I think it's a different problem But I'm not sure. Thank you for your hard work on this!

How do you import settings from genie?

Not sure about parry, i tried it and it looks good on my side.


Just guessing but there could be an issue with double highlighting and word boundaries. If it's already highlighted by another entry it actually underneath looks something like this:

<span style=" color:#0000ff;">Parry Ability </span>

And if you add another highlight on top that's looking for a word boundary "\b" then it won't match.

Then again, It could be something else entirely.

I'm not sure how it works on genie side but it was something someone requested. On elanthiepedia i found these highlights:

I added support for the "#highlight" command that adds basic entries, no guarantees that it will work as expected though.

Thank you for your work! The problem was I didn't have partial matches checked. That fixes it immediately. Thank you. I'll close the problem.