
Genie highlighting import does not work properly.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

For example:

#highlight {regexp} {#808000} {(Trading|Tactics|Scholarship|Performance|Outfitting|Musical Theory|Mechanical Lore|Forging|Engineering|Enchanting|Empathy|Bardic Lore|Appraisal|Alchemy|Mechanical_Lore)}

This string does not import. when you paste it into the prompt, nothing happens at all. However:

#highlight {regexp} {#808000} {(Trading|Tactics|Scholarship|Performance|Outfitting|Musical Theory|Mechanical Lore|Forging|Engineering|Enchanting|Empathy|Bardic Lore|Appraisal|Alchemy|Mechanical_Lore)} {}

This string will import, but it gets imported as one line from ( to ), not separated into individual highlights.

Line 13 of GenieUtils.cpp is set to only read if size > 3, however size = 3 is also valid for genie highlights.

Also need proper parsing of items within the parenthesis and delimitation by vertical bar.

I was afraid something like this would happen considering my understanding of genie imports is pretty limited. Just wanted to make it as strict as possible regarding anything related to formats etc. to avoid any unexpected issues.

It would be better to take everything up to 3 parts and truncate the rest then.

I think parsing of parenthesis is something that's not entirely compatible between two clients. It comes down to how you want them to be handled. It's either highlight the entire match or only the parts that are enclosed within the parentheses. I can make it default to capture everything inside parentheses if that's the desired result?



