
Raspberry pi

BinuDR opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey! Do you know if this will compile and run on a raspberry pi 4b?

The compiled version won't execute, I assume because it was compiled for x86 architecture and the pi is ARM.

If it will, how do I compile it? I tried this:

sudo apt-get install qtcreator
sudo apt install qt5-default
sudo apt-get install qt5-doc qtbase5-examples qtbase5-doc

Info: creating stash file /home/ubuntu/Downloads/frostbite-1.9.6-beta/.qmake.stash


Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: multimedia
Makefile:44: recipe for target 'sub-gui-make_first' failed
make: *** [sub-gui-make_first] Error 3

Any tips?

I installed this:
sudo apt-get install qtmultimedia5-dev

and now it's compiling.

It all looks normal aside from some warnings about possibly unused things and deprecated things. I'll post those when it's done.

Edit: Well darn, most of them are out of my scrollback now.

It worked! I am able to run it and login with lich.

I haven't tested very much yet, but I got this warning on startup.
177 [] ERROR Log4Qt::PropertyConfigurator - Unable to open property file '/home/ubuntu/Downloads/frostbite-1.9.6-beta/log.ini' (Log4Qt::PropertyConfigurator::CONFIGURATOR_OPENING_FILE_ERROR, 20): No such file or directory (5)
and then this one 10 times:
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

I've never tried to run it on raspberry but that makes sense though. :)

If you build it for release there's a few other assets that need to be copied over from the deploy folder.

log.ini; client.ini; /logs; /maps etc.

CONFIG(release, debug|release)

You can build a release package or you can do it manually. Just copy the missing file to your "working directory" and it should be good to go.

As for the libpng warning. There's some images that are using a wrong color profile even though i've tried to correct it several times already. I'm not sure what can be done tbh.

I'll go ahead and close this. Thanks for the help!