
Feature Request for Room Window

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Show Lich Room Number in in Room Window. Thank you.

I looked at this but i really don't know how it works. I'm not seeing room IDs anywhere.

For the very least i would need a protocol example.

with roomnumbers.lic is shows the room number when you look. in SF it shows the room number in the room window as well. i can provide a screenshot if you want.

took a look at the script. looks like int has something in the script that is specific to stormfront regarding the room numbers

if $frontend == 'stormfront'
_respond("<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - [#{Room.current.title.first[2..-3]} - #{}]" location='center' target='drop'/>")
_respond("<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - [#{Room.current.title.first[2..-3]} - #{}]" location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>")

I used to have subtitles but it's currently commented out for the room window but should be visible for the main window.


It would be fairly easy to add them back in, it's only a matter of uncommenting one line:

The problem is that due to how window title work in QT the values are automatically propagated to other components like tabs/menus etc which leads to pretty bad UI experience i.e



Longer room names start to break the UI and that's why i've been hesitant on adding room names back to titles ever since i removed them. I've been looking for other possible solutions but nothing has come up so far.

I'm not sure about this one.

No big deal, its easy enough to do a look to see the room number. Thank you.