
Timestamp on whispers

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Could you add timestamps to whispers that go to the Conversations window please?

The ooc one was just sent once, it gets duplicated in the window.

Binu whispers, "OOC: hi"
Binu whispers, "OOC: hi" [1:19 am]

Binu whispers, "testing"
Binu says, "Test2." [1:19 am]
Binu yells, "Hi." [1:19 am]
You hear a male voice yell from the south, "Hi." [1:19 am]```

Yep, OOC messages had timestamps but i think it's time to remove the OOC duplicates and im going to add timestamps to regular whispers.

I have the windows release ready with group window and timestamps. I'll let it settle a little while and then probably add the mac/linux versions in a few days.

Thanks! I'll test it out.

Works great, thanks again!