
pytest.skip not respected after initial figure created in a test

greglucas opened this issue · 2 comments

In Cartopy, we have some parameterized tests that create a figure, try to do some things on that figure in a try/except clause, and if it hits the exception throw a pytest.skip() to indicate we want to skip that test. In the recent 0.16 release, this no longer works and the images are compared and produce a failure due to their being no image to compare against (since we want it skipped). See comment here: SciTools/cartopy#2058 (review)

We're also seeing this over in MetPy where we have a decorator that uses importorskip:

def needs_cartopy(test_func):
    """Decorate a test function or fixture as requiring CartoPy.

    Will skip the decorated test, or any test using the decorated fixture, if ``cartopy`` is
    unable to be imported.
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        return test_func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

Prior to v0.16.0 pytest-mpl wrapped the user's entire test function in a pytest-mpl wrapper which ran the image comparison tests. This way the function will always exit as soon as it was skipped or failed etc. However, this approach resulted in tests inside classes not being run in pytest 7. I fixed the issue with the classes in #164, although I changed how pytest-mpl integrates with pytest as this seemed like the simplest solution to the issue in the long run (as the design of wrapping most of pytest-mpl inside each of the user's test functions didn't seem great), although this has now produced this issue.

The issue is that in the pytest_runtest_call hook inside pytest-mpl, we are assuming that a figure will always be returned for testing if the test is marked as mpl_image_compare (see code below). However, this will not be the case if the test is skipped or if an exception is raised during the test. In these cases we should return from that hook without running any image comparison.

There is a very simple fix for this which will work for #171, so I'll push an update to that PR tomorrow which will solve this issue. (And I'll add some tests for this issue.) This PR introduces yet another change to the pytest hooks. Maybe the best option would be to revert to the pre v0.16.0 pytest hooks which have worked for a long time, and find a different solution to the classes bug? It would be great if a pytest dev could review these hooks.

def pytest_runtest_call(self, item):
if get_compare(item) is not None: