Recorded Microphone audio stream is Silent in Channel 0
Closed this issue · 13 comments
Please help me with the below issue,
I am using Matrix Creator along with Raspi3 [Jessie Pixel]
When i was trying to run the Microphone test recorder , i was getting 8 Audio streams as RAW and after converting them to WAC when i tried to play the Channel 0 Audio track using aplay it was total Silent.
All the other wav tracks were having noises like "GRRR" . Am i missing something here ?
Is there any steps i need to do with ALSA Mixer ?
Should i need to replace any file configurations in Raspbian to map the Microphones..
I really think that the Documentation can be little improved and i will also be happy to contribute on the Documentation if i was able to success fully run this sample.
Kindly help me, since i am gonna procure more devices based upon this experiment, thanks
Hi @jkriba,
Did you install matrix-creator-malos?
If the answer is yes, you couldn't use HAL examples at the same time with malos service.
Run the following command to disable the malos service
sudo killall malos
Malos service allows the interface with ALSA.
On the other hand if you want to record the audio with ALSA keep the malos service on and run the following command:
arecord --device=mic_channel1 -r 16000 -c 1 -f S16_LE test.wav
Also you could check our community page:
And our Documentation Page:
If the Issue persist let me know
Hi Kevin,
Thanks a lot for your reply,
I have tried multiple times by Killing the MALOS service and then generating the recording clips, then converting them with the SOX tool.
The audio is still silent,
Even by Keeping the MALOS service up, it tried using
arecord --device=mic_channel1 -r 16000 -c 1 -f S16_LE test.wav
Which also is a silent audio kind of any audio output..
Am i still missing here something..Any configuration related to Alsa Mixer..
.Based upon this analysis i need to recommend my college to procure Matrix voice for their connected Class room prototypes..Please help
Hi Kevin,
Yes, the recording clips are getting generated as RAW files..Only the audio was silent..thanks
Hi @jkriba,
Could you share with me the audio files and also the RAW files?
you could try compiling the mic test available in It show you the levels of each microphone.
I'm looking forward for your audio files,
Hi Kevin,
Please find the audio data [Raw and Wav] along with this post. I tried all the possibilities and the track is still silent,
Just to add , when the recording was going on for 10 seconds, all the LED lights were Red and changes to Green when its done,
Thanks for your valuable time in helping me,
Hi Kevin,
Kindly let me know if you have any update on this issue, meanwhile i have also uploaded the ARECORD clip with this message.
thanks in advance,
Hi @jkriba,
Let me look the files you uploaded and will be back soon with answers.
Sorry about issues,
Hi @jkriba,
First it looks like the first mic is not recording at all. The other mis have audio but sounded like noise. While recording did you play sound or said anything to be recorded?
Hi ,
It looks like a hardware issue, i have used another Matrix Creator and tested the same.
And i was able to have clear recordings, Kindly change the status of the case as closed.
Meanwhile , is there any Warranty coverage available for my Current defective Matrix Creator Board ? Pls let me know
Yes we can definitely help you with that. We just sent you an email with the next steps.
Thank you,