
Mic Channels via ALSA not useable in pulseaudio

Opened this issue · 6 comments


I just configured a pulseaudio server using the echo-cancel module.
As the microphones are added to ALSA as file streams, I could not figure out how to use them in pulseaudio.

Any suggestions? Would it be possible to tell ALSA and Pulseaudio the beamformed channel is a real microphone.

Nethertheless as Echo-Cancellation is on your roadmap, this would a good module to look at.

Hoeze commented

I bought a Matrix Creator and I think about giving it back, as I cannot get it to work with PulseAudio.

Any update about when we will be able to use the mic's in pulseaudio or pyaudio?

Hello @huhlig.

Yes, now we have a first implementation in the kernel space. It allows accessing the microphones with pyAudio

We are working on the support to the up layers (in this case MALOS). Now MALOS and kernel implementation is not compatible.


Kevin Patino

0PK commented

Great news, but are we reasonably looking at a solution in days, weeks or months? Any indication would be very much appreciated.

Any estimation was wrong, last year it was days till the release. It looks like there is some progress, so maybe it will be released this year, probably end of summer

Hello @Mexxxo,

We support MALOS with Kernel modules since April 10, check the release note:

Thank You!! Let me know if you have any doubt or trouble with this update:

Best Regards,

Kevin Patino