
Only 5 tracks for playlist props

fralps opened this issue Β· 2 comments

Hey @matswainson πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

I'm having a little problem implementing the package and using the playlist=" " props.
As you can see from the screenshot, I only have 5 tracks on the player while the original playlist (Poolsuite) contains more than 400 tracks. I'm on Chrome btw 😊

Capture d’écran 2021-06-18 aΜ€ 16 41 33

Here is the playlist id: 740801463
Here is my code:

  <div class="player">

  import SoundCloud from 'vue-soundcloud-player';

  export default {
    name: 'SoundcloudPlayer',
    components: {

<style scoped>
  .player {
    width: 31.25rem;
    margin: auto;

Do you have any idea where my problem could come from? πŸ€”

Thanks πŸ™

It seems to come from the default SoundCloud pagination. But the native SoundCloud player offer an 'infinite loading' feature when you hit the 5th, it then fetch the next 5. That component doesn't handle that, yet.

Message to the author: do you plan to implement such a feature soon? I would like to use it on a project and the first case I need it is a Podcast playlist containing 6 tracks..