
Seeking new maintainers

matt-allan opened this issue · 5 comments

I don't want to maintain this package anymore. If you're interested in maintaining it fork the repo, let me know, and I will archive this one and recommend your fork as an alternative.

Hey @matt-allan,

I am willing to maintain this package:

What have I done already:

  • Added Support for PHP 8.1
  • Added Support for Laravel 9
  • Created 0.8.0 Tag and GH Release
  • Checked if packagist is working correctly

If it is okay with you I would like to keep the namespace MattAllan\LaravelCodeStyle in the Source Code.
Also I didn't remove you from the authors and would only do that if you don't want to be named anymore.

If you still want to maintain this package, then I will send a PR accordingly for the upgrade.

Thank you for all your work so far. ❤️


  • Added laravel_phpdoc_alignment Fixer
  • Added laravel_phpdoc_order Fixer
  • Added laravel_phpdoc_separation Fixer
  • Tagged 0.8.1 with these changes

Hey @Jubeki, thanks for doing all of that! That sounds good, I will drop a link here to your fork. I think it may be confusing to keep the namespace long term but I get wanting to keep it for now to minimize churn for anyone that's upgrading. If you could change the namespace next time you tag a breaking version that would be cool just so I don't get questions about it 😁

Sure, that is no problem. It is mostly a search, replace and giving an upgrade guide. 👍

Thank you @Jubeki for taking on this package! That's great that it will continue to be maintained. 🥳

Thanks @Jubeki and everyone else that's contributed over the years, I really appreciate it ❤️

I've pointed everything to the fork and I'm going to archive this now.