
Submit a Filter!

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I'd like to submit a filter I created, which I think people will find useful; it's to hide the "Friend Requests" posts that show up in the Timeline. I was surprised SocialFixer didn't have it already.

Here;s the code for it; I just tested it, works great!

{ "match": "ALL", "enabled": true, "stop_on_match": true, "rules": [ { "target": "any", "operator": "contains", "condition": { "text": "Friend Requests" } }, { "target": "any", "operator": "contains_selector", "condition": { "text": "a[href*=\"/friends/requests/\"]" } } ], "actions": [ { "action": "hide", "show_note": true } ], "added_on": 1530641988380, "title": "Hide \"Friend Requests\" posts", "description": "Hide the Friend Requests posts that show up in the Timeline.", "updated_on": 1530642710386 }