
A few scripts that I use. Nothing (too) special.

Primary LanguageShell

My bash scripts

A few scripts that I use. Nothing (too) special. ##andricon.sh

This script uses imagemagick to copy and resize an image into the different drawable-* directories usually found in src/main/res/ in an Android project. The sizes are based on Android's Iconography page. This script will generate:

  1. A 48x48 px image in $base_dir/drawable-mdpi

  2. A 72x72 px image in $base_dir/drawable-hdpi

  3. A 96x96 px image in $base_dir/drawable-xhdpi

  4. A 144x144 px image in $base_dir/drawable-xxhdpi


$ andricon.sh <icon> [base_dir]


Name Description
icon The image to use
base_dir The place to output the resized files to. Defaults to the current directory


# Resize an icon called my_icon.png
user@hostname:~$ andricon.sh my_icon.png
# Resize an icon called my_icon.png, where the base directory is projects/MyApp/src/res/
user@hostname:~$ andricon.sh my_icon.png MyApp/src/res

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 If imagemagick is not installed
2 If the given file does not exist
3 If the given base directory does not exist



Extracts all images from all PDFs in a given directory


$ auto_pdf_images.sh <dir>


Name Description
dir The directory to search for PDFs. Also the output directory


# Extract all images from all PDFs in a directory called "pdfs/"
user@hostname:~$ auto_pdf_images.sh pdfs/

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally



Change the currently enabled Apache 2 virtual site. Disables all currently enabled sites, enables the given one, and reloads the apache2 service.


$ cha2site.sh <site>


Name Description
site The name of the .conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/, without the .conf extension


# Enable a virtual site called "mysite"
user@hostname:~$ cha2site.sh mysite

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 If the given site does not exist



This script generates the README.md file you are reading right now by parsing JSON files in the docgen/ directory


$ docgen.py


# Generate documentation for the scripts. Must be run in this project's root directory.
user@hostname:~$ docgen.py 

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 Unexpted exit



This script downloads a video's audio as an MP3 and attempts to automatically apply ID3 tags to it


$ download_yt.py <url>


Name Description
url the youtube-dl-compatible URL of the video to download


# Downloads this video and tags the artist as "Teminite" and the title as "Goin' In"
user@hostname:~$ download_yt.py https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdJY_IXDD3M

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 Unexpted exit




$ extr_pdf_imgs.sh <pdf-name> <directory-name> <base-name>


Name Description
pdf-name The name of the PDF file to extract the images from
directory-name The directory to extract (and make if it doesn't exist) the files into
base-name The common base-name of every picture from the PDF


# Extract all the images from "file.pdf" to "out/", all with a basename of "myprefix"
user@hostname:~$ extr_pdf_imgs.sh file.pdf out/ myprefix

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 If there were not 3 arguments specified



Corrects the extensions of common internet media formats (png, jpg, gif, webm, svg) in a directory by looking at its MIME-type


$ imgext.sh <dir>


Name Description
dir The directory to scan and correct media in


# Correct all file extensions in a directory called "my_images"
user@hostname:~$ imgext.sh my_images/

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally


Creates a template for a new Google Chrome extension. Currently a work in progress.


$ new_chrome_ext.sh


# Create a new template for a Chrome extension
user@hostname:~$ new_chrome_ext.sh 

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally


Warning: This script requires to be run as root

Perform common fresh-install tasks (install and remove software, fonts, generate system config files, add PPAs, install ZSH, etc.)


# new_setup.sh [-a | --all] [-f | --fonts] [-b | --fstab] [-g | --git] [-h | --help] [-i | --install] [-p | --ppa] [-r | --remove] [-s | --settings] [-t | --terminator] [-z | --oh-my-zsh]


Name Description
all Do all of the things listed below
fonts Installs Source Code Pro and Powerline Ubuntu Mono
fstab Change boot-time partition mount options by modifying /etc/fstab. Uses my setup:
  • sda1: MBR partition
  • sda2: Windows partition
  • sda3: "Storage" partition: an NTFS partition used by both Windows and Linux
  • sda4: Extended partition
    • sda5: Linux partition
    • sda6: Swap partition
git Sets up git using git config --global $setting. Enables color (color.ui true), sets thedefault editor to vim (core.editor vim), sets the default push strategy to simple (push.default simple), sets the user's name to "Matthew Dean" (user.name "Matthew Dean"), and prompts for an email address for user.email.
help Show a help message and exits
install Installs vim-gtk, curl, google-chrome-stable, terminator, keepassx, truecrypt, ubuntu-tweak, unity-tweak-tool, gnome-tweak-tool, tor-browser, sublime-text-installer, flashplugin-installer, vlc, rar, git, curl, zsh, tmux, python3-pip, and gimp
ppa Adds the following PPAs:
  • `webupd8team/java`
  • `keepassx/daily`
  • `tualatrix/ppa`
  • `stefansundin/truecrypt`
  • `webupd8team/tor-browser`
  • `webupd8team/sublime-text-3`
Also adds the [Google Chrome repo](http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome) `remove` | Removes `unity-lens-shopping` and `gnome-orca` `settings` | Disables error reporting messages to Canonical by setting `enabled=0` in `/etc/default/apport` `terminator` | Change Terminator's default color scheme to Solarized Dark and applies Ubuntu Mono patched font (see `--fonts` to install) `oh-my-zsh` | Installs [`oh-my-zsh`](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) and sets the theme to "agnoster"


# Do all fresh-install tasks
hostname# new_setup.sh -a
# Only modify /etc/fstab
hostname# new_setup.sh --fstab
# Only install software
hostname# new_setup.sh --install

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 Various error occurred



Perform common fresh-install tasks that must be done while NOT running as root. It could be run as root, however, but the settings would not apply to the current user (what we actually want). This script:

  • Changes the window border buttons to be similar to Windows
  • Disables the Amazon and several other enabled-by-default Unity scopes
  • Sets a few favorites on Unity
  • Changes the shell to zsh
  • Clones my dotfiles repo on Bitbucket to the home directory of the current logged in user


$ new_setup_settings.sh


# Runs the settings
user@hostname:~$ new_setup_settings.sh 

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally



This script reads a file at ~/.path and every directory (if it exists) to a $PATH-like variable. Lines that are empty or start with '#' are ignored. At the end of this script, the new path variable is echoed out for use in other scripts.

Sample usage:

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    export PATH=$newpath
    # $newpath has the error message from path.sh
    echo $newpath


$ path.sh


# Show the new path variable. Note that this is not actually applied to your current session
user@hostname:~$ path.sh 

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 The ~/.path file does not exist
2 A directory in ~/.path does not exist


Replaces the basename (the name of the file without its extension) with a randomly generated alphanumeric string 7 characters long


$ scramdir.sh <folder> [-f | --force] [-q | --quiet] [-s | --simulate]


Name Description
folder The folder whose contents will have scrambled basenames after the execution of this script
force Skip the prompt asking the user to confirm their actions
quiet Suppresses output showing the new and old file names
simulate Don't actually rename the files


# Scramble a folder called "myfolder/"
user@hostname:~$ scramdir.sh myfolder/

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 The given directory does not exist


Warning: This script requires to be run as root

Verify that a file has not been modified since its original hashing.

This script creates a hash of a file in ~/.verify.sh/ where the file name is the given file and its contents is the SHA-512 sum of the original file. This command exits with a non-zero code if the stored hashes of the given files did not equal their just-calculated hashes.


# verify.sh <file> [files...] [-u | --update] [-h | --help]


Name Description
file A file to check
files... A list of extra files to check. If one of these files does not match its hash, the entire script will exit with a non-zero exit code.
update Forces updating the hashes of the given files
help Shows a help message


# Verify that a file called "file_one.txt" has not been modified since it's last hash. If no hash file exists, a new one will be created.
hostname# verify.sh file_one.txt
# Forces creating a new hash for a file called "file_one.txt".
hostname# verify.sh file_one.txt --update
# Verify the integrity of all three files mentioned. If a hash was not found for a file, one will be generated.
hostname# verify.sh file_one.txt file_two.txt file_three.txt

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 A hash did not match
2 If no files were given
3 If a given file did not exist



Simple script to download a YouTube video and then extract its audio in the form of a wav file


$ yt2wav.sh <video>


Name Description
video The URL of the YouTube video to download


# Download "Fortune Days" by The Glitch Mob
user@hostname:~$ yt2wav.sh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbAUwi4D3Ew

####Exit codes

Code Description
0 Exited normally
1 youtube-dl was not installed
2 ffmpeg was not installed
