Nested Content Field
c9mb opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm being asked to start work on a project needing Fluidity type of functionality.
I'm aware that there is no support for Parent-Child relationships, but I'm having trouble getting my head around whether or not Fluidity will cope with a field defined as an Umbraco.NestedContent datatype.
@c9mbundy it should work as it'll just store the value as JSON in the database. The problem you might have is if you need to query the nested content items independently. If you only ever need to query the parent and just render the list of nested content children, you should be ok. But if you need complex queries across the child items, it might not be the best solution.
If that is the case, then only thing you can do right now is a second collection that has a fluidity node picker to pick the parent, but these collections would sit side by side, rather than the child collection being below the parent if you see what I mean.
I hope this helps
I'm guessing that the PropertyValueConverter for the Umbraco.NestContent datatype should turn that JSON value into a IEnumerable that I can iterate and use to render the list, which I I think will probably be enough to get me out of jail for now.