Scraping art museum data with Scrapy

Assumptions and requirements

  • Python 3+
  • Familiarity with Python virtual environments and pipenv
  • Scrapy, a robust Python scraping framework

Python-specific execution demonstrated under "Usage" assumes an activated virtual environment.


This project's setup routine should look familiar to anyone with Python experience: clone the codebase, create a virtual environment, and install projects requirements.

Terraforming the Python environment

To begin, clone this repository, and set up and activate a virtual environment

$ git clone
$ cd scraping-cn-money-talks
$ python3 -m venv .    # or however you prefer to create
$ source bin/activate  # again, season to taste based on your environment

Then, install this project's requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


This project makes use of Scrapy, a community-blessed framework for building data scrapers. Running Scrapy as directed here will emit a CSV file per spider.

Fetching Data

Running Scrapy

From the root of the repository, enter the project's code path

$ cd ondisplay

and execute the AIC crawler, artic, specifying output should be written to a file named artic.csv.

$ scrapy crawl artic -o artic.csv

Scrapy will start and crawl for Agnes Martin artworks, writing its output to ./artic.csv.