
Having trouble getting compiled js to output

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Tried a couple of commands:

budo src/index.ts -p 3000 --dir public -- --debug -p [ tsify --project src/tsconfig.json ] -o public/js/app.js


budo src/index.ts:public/js/app.js -p 3000 --dir public -- --debug -p [ tsify --project src/tsconfig.json ]

But app.js doesn't get written. There are no errors, so it seems to be running ok:

[0001] info  Server running at (connect)
[0002] 939ms      128KB (browserify)

This equivalent browserify command works and produces a 128KB bundle:

browserify --debug src/index.ts -p [ tsify --project src/tsconfig.json ] -o public/js/app.js

Any ideas, or is piping through tsify not going to work?

Sorry, it does work but needs the additional param --serve js/app.js The full working command is:

budo src/index.ts:public/js/app.js -p 3000 --dir public --serve js/app.js -- --debug -p [ tsify --project src/tsconfig.json ]

(Which doesn't actually write a file, but budo will serve it while it's running.)