
paths with `.` in them do not render

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There is a bug where if I am visiting a route that contains a ., then the --pushstate flag does now work in the budo command. So this should be serving the index.html file for any request that does not have a matching path (that's what the --pushstate does)

for example, clone at the specified commit, then run npm start then visit:


it will show a generic 404 message instead of rendering the app js

for posterity, I had to pass the --pushstate option like this:

--pushstate [ --disallow \"\\.ed25519\" ]

This is part of package.json

    "serve": "env $(cat .env | grep -v \"#\" | xargs) budo src/index.js:bundle.js --cors --pushstate [ --disallow \"\\.ed25519\" ] --dir=public --live --open -- -t envify -p esmify --debug",

it takes a disallow option + a regex for the pattern not to treat as a literal file name